Health & Safety


Health & Safety

Workers’ health and safety is a moral obligation for every manager and entrepreneur. Protecting physical and mental health must be a primary goal for any organisation and every human being.

The priority of health and safety over any other corporate objective is also demonstrated by the large number of applicable laws that every company must comp...

Workers’ health and safety is a moral obligation for every manager and entrepreneur. Protecting physical and mental health must be a primary goal for any organisation and every human being.

The priority of health and safety over any other corporate objective is also demonstrated by the large number of applicable laws that every company must comply with. Entrepreneurs and their delegates must not only demonstrate to be committed but also achieve concrete results in ensuring the health and safety of every worker and all those who are exposed to health risks while carrying out their activities for the company.

Protecting workers’ health and safety is also an economic obligation. The cost of injuries and occupational diseases (or simply absence from work) is often underestimated. Direct and indirect costs include medical expenses, payroll costs due to work stoppage, administrative costs, loss of productivity due to the rescheduling of activities and training of new personnel, damage to equipment, and penalties (if any). The risk of criminal proceedings and harming the company’s reputation cannot be ignored.

Ensuring workers’ health and safety isn’t always easy. Entrepreneurs and managers must comply with many technical and organisational provisions, apply preventive and protective measures and make sure they’re effective, and remain up to date with regulatory changes and ever-evolving technical solutions.

We are by your side to help you with every aspect related to occupational health and safety, from risk assessment to training or even covering specialised positions and tasks.

Listen to our podcast to learn more about the obligations to fulfil and the measures to implement in your company. Use our Smartcheck software to verify your personnel’s knowledge. Read our blog to keep up to date with the latest developments and download the forms and documents that our experts have drawn up to meet all formal requirements. You can also subscribe to Easycompliance to make sure to fulfil all legal obligations or ask for our advice for a problem or project (e.g. the ISO 45001 certification).

Our experts specialise in various sectors, including construction, chemistry, fire prevention, and first aid. They can support and advise you on almost every aspect of occupational health and safety. They can also cover positions and carry out tasks that laws and regulations attribute to various corporate functions, such as the head of the prevention and protection service, construction site coordinator, and ADR specialist. Find out all the services we provide below. Get in touch now.

Our trainers teach in major public and private training centres. Here, you can find a list of our courses, which are periodically updated. Almost all our courses can be delivered online, in-house, or in-class. Our trainers’ qualifications allow us to provide legally recognised qualification and specialist courses. Get in touch now.

Over the years, our close collaboration with experts and computer scientists has allowed us to develop software solutions that help companies fulfil their legal and regulatory obligations. Need to draw up a risk assessment document, a safety plan or an emergency plan? Or perhaps you need to implement an ISO 45001 management system or carry out an injury analysis? Undecided whether to do all this on your own or hire a consultant? We recommend an intermediate solution: our software. This way, you will be guided every step of the way and can rely on our experience without additional costs.

You can download for free many templates and documents drawn up to help you fulfil every regulatory obligation related to occupational health and safety. Whatever you need – legal documents, forms, ISO procedures, checklists – you can probably find it here.

But meeting formal requirements and implementing organisational solutions is not enough to ensure occupational health and safety. Technical solutions and personal protective equipment are also necessary. In this section, you can find a selection of our partners’ accident-prevention products. All products available on our website have been previously tested by our experts.


Health & Safety There are 234 products.

per page
Showing 211 - 234 of 234 items
  • Internal audit according to the ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 standard. Internal audit according to the ISO...

    CHF 1.650,00
    Contact Request
  • Modèle du document "registre public d'accessibilité" pour les ERP Modèle du document "registre public...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza per la realizzazione di un sistema ambientale conforme alla norma ISO 14001 Settore : Alimentare, Carta, Legno, Chimica, Farmaceutica, Sanità Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza...

    CHF 15.000,00
    Contact Request
  • Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza per la realizzazione di un sistema ambientale conforme alla norma ISO 14001 Settore : Alimentare, Carta, Legno, Chimica, Farmaceutica, Sanità Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza...

    CHF 14.000,00
    Contact Request
  • Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza per la realizzazione di un sistema di gestione della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro conforme alla norma ISO 45001 Settore : Alimentare, Carta, Legno, Chimica, Farmaceutica, Sanità Pacchetto forfetario di consulenza...

    CHF 8.500,00
    Contact Request
  • Smartcheck ; check list informatisée à utiliser avec le software Smartcheck Reader pour un audit de conformité réglementaire Référentiel : Gouvernement du Quebec : S-2.1 chapitre IV Smartcheck ; check list informatisée...

    CHF 95,00
    Contact Request
  • Smartcheck ; check list informatisée à utiliser avec le software Smartcheck Reader pour un audit de conformité réglementaire Référentiel : Gouvernement du Quebec : toute exigence légale concernant la santé et sécurité au travail Smartcheck ; check list informatisée...

    CHF 950,00
    Contact Request
  • Set di check list elettroniche per il software Smartcheck Set di check list elettroniche per il...

    CHF 1.300,00
    Contact Request
  • Abbonamento annuale per l'utilizzo del software CList Abbonamento annuale per l'utilizzo...

    CHF 900,00
    Contact Request
  • Abbonamento annuale per l'utilizzo del software CList Abbonamento annuale per l'utilizzo...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • Smartcheck ; check list informatizzate da utilizzare con il software Combine per la valutazione dei rischi psicosociali. Smartcheck ; check list...

    CHF 350,00
    Contact Request
  • Smartcheck ; check list informatisée à utiliser avec le software Smartcheck Reader pour l'évaluation des risques psychosociaux Smartcheck ; check list informatisée...

    CHF 350,00
    Contact Request
  • Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser les Smartcheck disponibles y compris celles personnalisées. Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • n. 1 licence d'accès à la plateforme Easychecklist pour effectuer les audits internes au moyen des Smartcheck valable 1 année à partir de la date d'achat. n. 1 licence d'accès à la plateforme...

    CHF 400,00
    Contact Request
  • Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec la base de données pré-chargée des obligations à vérifier concernant le Code de la construction et habitation Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec...

    CHF 200,00
    Contact Request
  • Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec la base de données pré-chargée des obligations à vérifier concernant les parties IV du Code du travail (sécurité au travail) Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec...

    CHF 360,00
    Contact Request
  • Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec la base de données pré-chargée des obligations à vérifier concernant le Règles Accessibilité PMR Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec...

    CHF 350,00
    Contact Request
  • Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec la base de données pré-chargée des obligations à vérifier concernant le Règles de sécurité ERP. Licence annuelle du logiciel LOG avec...

    CHF 200,00
    Contact Request
  • Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser les Smartcheck disponibles y compris celles personnalisées. Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser les Smartcheck disponibles y compris celles personnalisées. Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser les Smartcheck disponibles y compris celles personnalisées. Software  "Smartcheck" pour utiliser...

    CHF 0,00
    Contact Request
  • Conseil aux entreprises et aux organisations dans le secteur du commerce pour la mise en place des normes PMR (accessibilité des personnes handicapées dans les ERP) Conseil aux entreprises et aux...

    CHF 160,00
    Contact Request
  • Conseil aux hôtels et restaurants pour la mise en place des normes PMR (accessibilité des personnes handicapées dans les ERP) Conseil aux hôtels et restaurants...

    CHF 135,00
    Contact Request
  • Conseil aux entreprises et aux organisations pour la assurer la conformité aux obligations légales et réglementaires applicables selon le référentiel du logiciel LOG Conseil aux entreprises et aux...

    CHF 170,00
    Contact Request
Showing 211 - 234 of 234 items