Solver Group is a global Network of professionals working together to assist the companies operating in Europe to improve their performances.

Our mission is to be the "Company solutions provider".

Today, the governance of a company requires a full-scale commitment from the small company’s entrepreneur to all the employees to settle all engagements arising from the market, the competitors, the legal requirements and the organization. Product development and life-cycle management, price policy and commercial agreements, accounting governance, safety & environmental aspects, quality, complaints and additional requests from customers, etc..

We offer probably the widest panel of services and related products for entreprises by an innovative offering, focused on the true customer satisfaction including a wide range of forms, documents ans software FREE OF CHARGE.

Whatever you need, you'll probably find it here.

One of our characteristics sign is the flexibility. Our business developers are strongly trained in order to find out the most suitable way to catch your goals.

But the “big change”, the true innovation of Solver, is to provide a fully-fashioned solution by applying a discount stores philosophy; namely, we propose thousands of services and products (“Item”) with fixed price even if all the services and products are actually tailored depending on the dimensions of the company, the classification of economic activities (NACE), its market of reference, the geographical location, etc.

These highly structured items are the result of the great experience of the Solver’s professional network (indipendents contractors and very specialised small companies); the best-practices applied in several cases with success story are continuously made up by the expertise of Solver’s personnel in”Package”, “Deliverables and other services that we can now offer to a very cheap price.

All our Professionals are very skilled and trained, with knowledge derived from extensive academic study and training always formalized. They exercise autonomy in the workplace and utilize their independent judgement and professional ethics in carrying out their jobs for you. We can demonstrate in advance the skill and training of the person will carry out the service you need as well as we can demnostrate an indipendent certification of the services and the software we sell.

Solver developed also several Internet platforms to give a fully integrated service to our customer as per,,