GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts Agrandir l'image

GRI 411 Rights of indigenous peoples


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Indigenous peoples have the right to occupy and use their lands or territories, including those who hold or use land pursuant to informal or customary rights. Indigenous peoples cannot be relocated without free, prior, and informed consent. They also have the right to redress in cases where their lands or resources have been occupied or damaged without their free, prior, and informed consent.

Due diligence is expected of an organization in order to avoid infringing on the rights of indigenous peoples through its activities and decisions. An organization is also expected to respect the rights of indigenous peoples to free, prior, and informed consent in certain matters affecting them. This is the case when, for example, an organization intends to start operations on land that is inhabited or owned by indigenous peoples.The number of recorded incidents involving the rights of indigenous peoples provides information about the implementation of an organization’s policies relating to indigenous peoples. This information helps to indicate the state of relations with stakeholder communities. This is particularly important in regions where indigenous peoples reside, or have interests near operations of the organization

In the context of this disclosure, an ‘incident’ refers to a legal action or complaint registered with the reporting organization or competent authorities through a formal process, or an instance of non-compliance identified by the organization through established procedures. Established procedures to identify instances of non-compliance can include management system audits, formal monitoring programs, or grievance mechanisms.


Fiche technique

Pays Canada atlanthique, Autres Pays anglophones, Autres Pays francophones, Austrie, France - PACA, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France : Sud-Ouest, Île-de-France, France: Nord de la France
Secteur Tous
Domaines d'intervention Responsabilité sociétale
Intervention Conseil
Satisfaction client
Qualification professionnelle
Empreinte carbone
Langue Anglais