GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts Zoom

GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts


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Maggiori dettagli

CHF 0,00

Richiesta di contatto


This disclosure concerns the impact that an organization’s infrastructure investments and services supported have on its stakeholders and the economy such as changes in the productivity of organizations, economic development in areas of high poverty, economic impacts of improving or deteriorating social or environmental conditions, availability of products and services for those on low incomes, enhanced skills and knowledge in a professional community or in a geographic location, number of jobs supported in the supply or distribution chain, economic impacts from a change in operation or activity location or economic impacts from the use of products and services.


The impacts of infrastructure investment can extend beyond the scope of an organization’s own operations and over a longer timescale. Such investments can include transport links, utilities, community social facilities, health and welfare centers, and sports centers. Along with investment in its own operations, this is one measure of the organization’s capital contribution to the economy.


The reporting organization should disclose the size, cost and duration of each significant infrastructure investment or service supported; the extent to which different communities or local economies are impacted by the organization’s infrastructure investments and services supported.


Scheda tecnica

Paese di erogazione Francia: Nord della Francia, Francia : Île-de-France, Francia : Sud-Ovest, Francia : Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Francia : regione "PACA", Austria, Altri Paesi francofoni, Altri Paesi anglofoni, Canada Atlantico
Settore Tutti
Aree di intervento Responsabilità sociale
Tipologia di intervento Consulenza
Soddisfazione cliente
Qualifica professionale
Impronta ecologica
Lingua Inglese