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CRISK-SAFETY software : how to perform risk assessment in a practical and effective way; the program is able to demonstrate the fulfillment of legal obligations in a way that complies with ISO 45001

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CHF 800,00

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A specific module aimed at ISO 45001 certification, this program first and foremost allows you to meet the legal requirements for occupational health and safety electronically, without creating voluminous and impractical documents.

Since it is available in numerous countries with different modalities depending on the legal requirements, if your organization is present in several countries you can use the same methodology for each site, with an undeniable advantage in terms of consistency and simplicity.

Created by industry experts with many years of experience in the field of occupational health and safety, the program has been verified by ISO 45001 auditors from numerous certification bodies in many countries; it is therefore recognized as a tool that can demonstrate both compliance with legal obligations and compliance with the standard.

The program is aimed at both prevention and protection service managers and quality and/or integrated system managers as it applies the methodologies inherent in management systems to legal obligations.

By entering processes and their activities, potential hazards can be matched to them via a list of hazards that conforms to the standards of individual countries (the user automatically receives periodic updates to this list).

For each hazard identified, the user then selects possible hazards (also from an exhaustive and updated list) and performs an evaluation in terms of probability and severity but also according to the control measures already in place as well as the possibility of knowing in advance that the hazard is about to occur (detectability).

The program then makes it possible to choose, for each risk identified by the user, the necessary prevention and protection measures; for each measure, external training aids recommended by public bodies are already available within the program); in addition, it is possible to add internal documents (e.g., internal instructions) or teaching aids for staff training.

It is, of course, possible to have a printout of the data entered in the form of a document that can be used to provide evidence to the Authorities of compliance with legal obligations.

Within the Smartpackage suite, it is possible to initiate improvement and training plans, conduct specific audits, and formalize a management review that includes program data.

Fiche technique

Pays Autres Pays anglophones
Secteur Tous
Domaines d'intervention Santé et Sécurité au travail
Intervention Software
Satisfaction client
Qualification professionnelle
Empreinte carbone
Langue Anglais