GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts Vergrößern

GRI 307 Environmental compliance


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When reporting its management approach for environmental compliance, the reporting organization can also disclose expenditures on insurance for environmental liability.

The reporting organization should include administrative and judicial sanctions for failure to comply with environmental laws and/or regulations, including:

-                     international declarations, conventions, and treaties;
-                     national, sub-national, regional, and local regulations;
-                     voluntary environmental agreements with regulating authorities that are considered binding and developed as a substitute for implementing new regulations;
-                     cases brought against the organization through the use of international dispute mechanisms or national dispute mechanisms supervised by government authorities;
-                     cases of non-compliance related to spills

Technische Daten

Land Kanada (Atlantic Ländern, Andere Länder anglophone, Frankophonen Länder, Osterreich, Frankreich - PACA Gebiet, Frankreich : Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Frankreich : Süd und West Gebiet, Frankreich : Île-de-France, Franckreich : Region Nord
Bereich Alle
Interventionsbereiche Soziale Verantwortung
Dienstleistungen Beratung
Ökologische Fußabdruck
Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Sprache Englisch